I started teaching at the Southeast Asian Institute for the Deaf (SAID) in
Katipunan, Quezon City. I never thought that I would be a teacher, much less, a teacher for special kids. But I got interested in the language of signs, hands and body language once I started
dealing with pupils who have hearing impairment. There was one student who irked
me and got really to my nerves when he signed BOBO (stupid in English) to me because I was too slow in signing and thus affects
my delivery of lesson. I took that as a challenge rather than an insult, and
studied all the way til I got my Certification as Sign Language Interpreter.
After a year of teaching the deaf, I applied in another school, Mater
Carmeli School, where I taught Mathematics to Grade
IV regular pupils. So I got to compare regular and special class. After a year,
I moved back to the world of the deaf, the Philippine School for the Deaf. Well,
for one, it is a prestige to belong to a national special school and so I taught there for 3 years teaching Computer Education
to high school students.
So folks, I got 5 years of teaching experience both regular and special before
I moved to the office world.
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